Sunday 10 July 2011

Personnal Branding

I never given very much thought to personnal/professional branding having just really entered into my first professional job. If I was being truthful I would have to say that I find self promotion quite confronting although I can definitely see the benefits. I was lucky enough to attend the M-libraries Conference in Brisbane and found out a great deal of information about presenters & keynote speakers by researching and seeing who they are and what areas of interests they have.
So I have set about starting my personnal/professinal branding, trying to use one nickname on various social media formats is my first aim. Still looking for a nice background to use on all sites, wading through my personal collection of photos waiting for an inspiration.
I was surprised that I actually had some real hits for myself when using Google including my profile on my Libguide as well as my Twitter account. There are plenty of me out there though!

1 comment:

  1. I think you hit on a key point there. Information about you is already online & findable by others whether you like it or not. So building a personal brand online, even if just a web page or blog with a bio, allows you to have some say in what people will discover about you when they go looking :)
